Custom Cable Assembly in Consumer Electronics industry

| 2019 10 10 | Comments | View Num: 846

Best Custom Cable Assembly in Consumer Electronics industry



The main application of Custom Cable Assembly for Consumer Electronics Industry include UAV ,Smart Phone and Mobile Devices ,Notebook Computer ,Professional Camera and High-definition Television.


Our Pre-assemblied RF Coaxial Cable assemblies are used for telematics in Consumer Electronics application. Superbat offer competitive factory price and reliable quality RF cable assemblies The custom service is provided to meet your unique and cost efficiency design. And the sample can be provided before bulk order.


We’d like to show some popular and typical RF cable assemblies corresponding to their applications .If you are going to do a project in Consumer Electronics Application and looking for a RF cable ,hope it can help you something.


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) or Drone -that is without the onboard presence of pilots. It can be also a remote-controlled aircraft, which is driven by pilots at ground control stations .It also includes Air vehicles (UAV/UAS/RPAS), Ground Vehicles and Robotic Systems (UGVs), Surface and Subsea vehicles (USV, UUV) and Space vehicles .It is widely used for commercial and recreational aerial photography and other avionics and military applications,fox example . Fox example ,SMA to MMCX cable assemblies.


Mobile Devices and Smart Phone The Mobile Device include any handheld computer or smartphone. It is a small computing device that can be automatically identify and track tags.


Notebook ComputerIt is a smaller size than laptop reducing some functionality and  remain lightweight. The IPX type RF cable assemblies are most widely used for this application.


Camera it is mainly the Video Camera & Moniter. The 75 ohm BNC cable assemblies and 1/0/2.3 cable assemblies are wide used in this kind and similar application.


HDTV (High-definition Television)- It is a television system with an substantially high image resolution than standard definition television. This application mainly use F type cable assemblies ,RCA cable assemblies and BNC cable assemblies.

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